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18 Best Insurance Riders: Enhancing Your Insurance Coverage in India

Insurance riders are additional features or benefits that policyholders can add to their existing insurance policies to enhance coverage and customize their protection according to specific needs. These riders act as add-ons to the primary insurance policy, allowing individuals to tailor their coverage without the need to purchase separate policies. In India, insurance companies offer a range of riders across various types of insurance, including life insurance, health insurance, and motor insurance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what Riders in Insurance are, how they work, and the different types of riders available in India.

Insurance Riders

What are Insurance Riders?

An insurance rider, also known as an insurance endorsement or add-on, is a supplementary feature that can be attached to a basic insurance policy. These riders provide policyholders with additional coverage benefits beyond what the standard policy offers. The inclusion of riders allows policyholders to customize their insurance coverage, making it more comprehensive and aligned with their individual needs and circumstances. Riders typically come with an additional premium, which is added to the base policy premium.

Insurance riders provide a cost-effective way for policyholders to address specific risks or situations that may not be adequately covered by the standard policy. Instead of purchasing a new standalone policy for each additional need, policyholders can simply add relevant riders to their existing policies, thereby avoiding redundancy and potentially reducing overall insurance costs.

How do Insurance Riders Work?

When purchasing an insurance policy, whether it’s life insurance, health insurance, or motor insurance, the policyholder has the option to choose from a range of available riders. Each rider comes with its specific set of benefits and conditions. The policyholder needs to review and select the relevant riders that align with their needs and risk profile.

The rider’s coverage is activated when the policyholder pays the additional premium associated with that specific rider. Once the rider is added to the policy, the coverage provided by the rider becomes effective along with the main insurance policy. In case of a claim that falls under the rider’s scope, the insurance company will process the claim accordingly, providing the additional benefits or coverage as per the rider’s terms and conditions.

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It is essential for policyholders to thoroughly read and understand the rider’s terms and exclusions to ensure they know when and how the rider can be utilized. Some riders have limitations on the number of times they can be used or may only apply under specific circumstances. Therefore, policyholders should always review their insurance policies and riders periodically to make sure their coverage remains relevant and adequate.

Types of Riders Available in India

Insurance riders vary across different types of insurance policies. Let’s explore the common types of riders available in India for various insurance categories:

1. Life Insurance Riders

a. Accidental Death Benefit Rider (ADB):

This rider provides an additional sum assured to the beneficiaries in case the policyholder’s death is due to an accident. The rider amount is paid along with the regular death benefit under the base life insurance policy.

b. Critical Illness Rider:

The critical illness rider offers a lump sum payout to the policyholder upon diagnosis of specified critical illnesses such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. This amount can be used to cover medical expenses or other financial obligations during the treatment and recovery period.

c. Waiver of Premium Rider (WOP):

With this rider, in case of total permanent disability or critical illness of the policyholder, all future premiums for the base policy and attached riders are waived off. The policy continues to remain in force with all its benefits.

d. Income Benefit Rider:

The income benefit rider provides an additional income stream to the beneficiaries in addition to the death benefit. The income is usually paid in regular instalments over a specified period, providing financial support to the family after the policyholder’s demise.

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e. Term Rider:

The term rider allows policyholders to increase the coverage amount of their base policy for a specific term. It offers temporary additional protection at a relatively lower cost compared to purchasing a new policy.

2. Health Insurance Riders

a. Hospital Cash Rider:

The hospital cash rider provides daily cash benefits to the insured during hospitalization. The amount can be used to cover non-medical expenses like transportation, food, and other incidental costs.

b. Critical Illness Rider:

Like the critical illness rider in life insurance, this rider offers a lump sum payout upon the diagnosis of specified critical illnesses. The amount can be used to manage medical expenses and lifestyle changes during the treatment period.

c. Maternity Benefit Rider:

The maternity benefit rider covers maternity-related expenses, including pre and postnatal care, delivery expenses, and newborn baby care. This rider is particularly useful for women planning to start a family.

d. Personal Accident Rider:

The personal accident rider provides financial compensation to the insured in case of accidental death or disability resulting from an accident. It complements the health insurance policy by offering additional coverage for accident-related expenses.

3. Motor Insurance Riders

a. Zero Depreciation Rider:

The zero-depreciation rider ensures that the policyholder receives the full claim amount without factoring in the depreciation of car parts. This rider is especially beneficial for new cars with higher depreciation rates.

b. NCB Protection Rider:

The No Claim Bonus (NCB) protection rider helps policyholders retain their earned NCB even after making a claim. This rider prevents the NCB from resetting to zero and allows policyholders to enjoy lower premiums in subsequent years.

c. Roadside Assistance Rider:

The roadside assistance rider provides emergency assistance services such as towing, fuel delivery, tire change, and battery jump-start in case of vehicle breakdown.

4. Travel Insurance Riders

a. Trip Cancellation/Interruption Rider:

The trip cancellation/interruption rider provides coverage for trip cancellation or curtailment due to unforeseen events such as illness, accidents, or natural disasters.

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b. Baggage Loss/Delay Rider:

The baggage loss/delay rider compensates the insured for the loss of baggage or for expenses incurred due to delayed baggage during travel.

c. Personal Liability Rider:

The personal liability rider covers legal liabilities arising from accidental injury or damage caused to third parties during the insured’s travel.

5. Home Insurance Riders

a. Earthquake Rider:

The earthquake rider extends coverage for damages to the insured property caused by earthquakes or related events.

b. Burglary/Theft Rider:

The burglary/theft rider provides additional coverage for losses incurred due to burglary or theft-related incidents.

c. Personal Belongings Rider:

The personal belongings rider covers losses or damages to personal belongings like jewellery, electronic gadgets, and other valuable items.


Insurance riders offer valuable add-on benefits to standard insurance policies, allowing policyholders to customize their coverage according to their unique needs. Whether it’s life insurance, health insurance, motor insurance, or other types of insurance, riders provide flexibility and enhanced protection without the need to purchase separate policies.

Before opting for any rider, policyholders should carefully assess their individual requirements and review the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the rider. It’s advisable to consult with an insurance advisor or agent to make informed decisions about the most suitable riders for their specific insurance policies.

Overall, insurance riders can significantly enhance the scope of coverage, providing individuals and families with comprehensive protection and peace of mind in the face of unexpected events and uncertainties.

The Winning Leap Author

Prashant P. Chauhan

Author @ The Winning Leap

Meet Prashant Pratap Chauhan, the savvy founder behind The Winning Leap, a hub for sharp financial insights and expert analysis in the realm of finance blogging.

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